
Auto Repair Ellisville

Ellisville is only 4.4 miles away from Autos of Europe. This city is a great place to live with the lowest crime rates in St. Louis County. It also has several great housing options since there are single-family homes, townhouses, condominiums, apartments, and duplexes to choose from. You can also have fun with your friends and family by picnicking or enjoying a beautiful walk at any of the 11 parks within the Ellisville area. We can take proper care of your luxury vehicle since we specialize in servicing European cars.

Schedule Your Auto Repair in Ellisville, MO Today!

Auto Services and Repairs in Ellisville, MO 

Do you have a luxury vehicle? If so, you might want to consider our business at Autos of Europe to take care of any auto services or auto repairs your vehicle might need. We have a team of professionals who know precisely how to care for a European model vehicle, and we offer affordable prices that you can’t get anywhere else in the area. We provide the following services and repairs for our customers in the Ellisville area:

Even if your vehicle looks and feels like it’s in excellent condition, a maintenance checkup couldn’t hurt. You never know what underlying issues might be happening underneath the hood, so have us take a look to ensure your luxury car is in top shape. It can also save you money in the long run since our team of experts might find something that could have escalated into something more serious if left unattended for too long.


Common Problems with European Vehicles

Did you know that specific luxury model vehicles each come with their common issues that you should be made aware of before you purchase them? Europeans models like the BMW, mini coopers, and Mercedes all have some common problems with certain aspects of the car that you should monitor to make sure they remain in great condition. Here are a few of the most common issues some of these vehicles might have:

Mini Cooper repairs might be needed from a professional mechanic when the clutch fails. This type of issue can happen, especially if you drive your mini cooper harder than you should. You should also check to see how much your mini cooper can go before needing to change the transmission fluid since they can differ from each type of mini cooper. Having mini cooper service by a professional mechanic at Autos of Europe can help you figure out the real issue since we have plenty of experience dealing with this type of vehicle and the similar issues mini coopers have.

Do you have a BMW? Did you know that this type of foreign car has a lot of issues that deal with the ignition modules, injectors, and clutch? Therefore, you should have these checked out by a professional mechanic who can easily do a BMW repair or BMW services that will help get your car back in proper shape.

Do you think you need Mercedes repair done by a professional mechanic? You might not know for sure unless you get it checked out every so often. Mercedes do tend to need Mercedes services done when it comes to its transmission and engine areas. The good news about the transmissions in Mercedes is that most of the problems that do occur, they are usually inexpensive parts of the transmission that needs replacing and not the actual transmission itself.

Have you had your luxury car checked lately? Having regular checkups can prevent big bills from piling up since checkups can prevent more significant problems from happening. Get your car looked at by one of our professional mechanics at Autos of Europe!


Luxury European Vehicles For Sale

Are you looking for another luxury vehicle to add to your collection? If so, check out our list of vehicles on sale today! We got great options on sale right now, from Harley-Davidsons to Porches to luxury Jaguars, we got something that will have you wanting to purchase one now!

If you live in Ellisville, MO, check out Autos of Europe to have your luxury car looked at by a team of professionals. Contact us today for a maintenance or repair appointment for your luxury vehicle. We offer an initial free consultation!